Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Adventure.

Dear Juliet,

It's amazing how time can change someone. I was thinking about the day when I met Samuel yesterday. He was so sweet to me back then. He's changed a lot. He's not the same sweet, caring, amazing person he was a year ago. It's hard to believe that it was almost a year ago that I was head over heels for him. It's amazing that he was even ever in love with me. Time has defenitely changed us both. Not exactly for the better or for the worse. We've changed into two people who've got seperate ways. Well not exactly seperate because we still talk to each other on the occasion. We still went our seperate ways. Even when we do talk it's so amazing to see how much he's changed.

Love Always,

Amber Camille.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Juliet.

Dear Juliet,

Do you ever feel like you've lost your Romeo and he's never coming back? I have. My Romeo is stuck on some other girl. The only thing he ever talks about with me is nothing of importance. Sometimes I'd like to talk about things that are worth my time. Maybe if he doesn't realize that, then he's not really my Romeo. I don't really know. I've tryed to let him go before but that didn't really work out so well for me. I ended up depressed and the only thing that made me actually happy was being able to talk to him or see him. Absolutely confusing, if you ask me.

Love Always,

Amber Camille.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Things I Am Defenitely Positive About.

1. I would like to go back to kindergarten please. You know that time when all you had to worry about was whether or not your shoes were on the right feet.
2. Falling in love sucks. Once you've fallen, there's no guarantee that you will get back up onto your feet.
3. Girls are vile. They are conceded and have no worries about other people.
4. Boys are idiotic. They know what they want and will do anything to get it. Even if it means hurting other people.
5. Being in love stinks. Especially when the person you're in love with doesn't exactly love you back.
6. I will never ever be close friends with any girl ever again. They make no sense and I think I would know. I am one.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Imagine This

Dear Blog,

At the moment everything seems to be fine. No one talks about me behind my back and people have learned that they should not do that. The only thing is is that I feel empty. I feel really lost in confusion. Things seem to never change for me. I never have the one person that I truly want; the one that I'm lost without. Even when I do have him, he always end up leaving me for someone else in the end. Him leaving me leaves me with nothing, nothing but a broken heart and a hole in my chest.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

This is my new Power Rangers shirt. I love it to death and will wear it forever and ever.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Little Girl in Me.

Dear Blog,

Today I went shopping with my grandparents. We went to Kohls because I needed some new skinny jeans. So I got my skinny jeans but wanted a shirt to go with them. My grandma and I went to go look at the clearance shirts and there it was. My Power Rangers shirt. I loved it at first sight. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. It goes great with my skinny jeans. I'll post pictures later.

Love Always.